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Create group companies

This is a step-by-step guide to how you create group companies in Privacy.

The video below gives you an introduction to all steps.

Step 1

When you make your documentation in Privacy, this can be done for one to several group companies. 

A group company is created by clicking on "Settings" in the left menu. 

Settings menu point

Step 2

Click on "View group companies" within the box "Manage your group companies".

Visit group companies in Privacy

Step 3

Now, you can create a new group company.

Click on "Create company".

Create company

Step 4

As a minimum, the group company you want to create must have a name.

In addition, you should enter the country in which the group company is present. 

Furthermore, you have the opportunity to enter the company group's address, the company number (e.g., CVR number) etc. 

Create company in Privacy

Step 5

When you have entered all the fields, click on "Create". 

Now, you can see the group company in the list of all your group companies.

Tip: If you have several group companies, you need to make documentation for, you have the option of creating more group companies. You simply repeat the process of "Create company".