How do I upload a document to a policy or procedure? 

This is a step-by-step guide to how you upload a document to a policy or procedure in the Privacy platform.

Step 1

Click on the name of the policy or procedure in question in the overview of your organisation's policies.  

Step 2

Click on the "Create new" button down in the right corner. 

Create new document to a policy

Step 3

In the "Name" field, you name the document. 

Subsequently, you can upload the document by clicking on "choose file". Alternatively, you can drag and drop the file in the marked grey area. 

Upload document to a policy

When you have named the document and chosen the file, you should click on the "Upload" button. 

Step 4

The document is now shown in your overview.

You can add more documents by clicking on the "Create new" button in the right corner. 

Create new document - policies

In addition, you can edit, delete or download the document by clicking on the icon on the right of the document. 

Edit, delete or download documents in policy module