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How to Assign Multiple Responsible Parties to Tasks in a Group

Leveraging the annual wheel across multiple group companies: A guide to individual task assignments

When orchestrating an activity within your annual planning cycle, you’ll encounter the "organisation" phase.

For those juggling various Group Companies within Privacy, an intriguing choice surfaces: Should the task be unified at the Group level, or does it demand bespoke attention for each Group Company? Here's how to navigate this decision:

1. Unified Group-Level Activity: Electing this option spawns a single task within the task management system for the entire Group. The party accountable for execution is determined via the "Who is responsible for the activity being carried out?" input.


2. Company-Specific Activities: Alternatively, you might find that the activity requires tailored execution for each Group Company. This path allows you to designate which company should tackle the task. Consequently, a unique task for each selected entity will populate in the task management suite.


3. Custom Responsible Selection: While a default responsible party is assigned based on your initial response, it's entirely feasible to appoint different individuals for each Group Company involved. This flexibility ensures that tasks align perfectly with your organisational structure.


4. Finalising Your Plan: Once you've navigated through the planning stages, tasks materialise in the task management system, reflective of your choices and the responsible parties you've assigned.

You can locate these tasks within the task management interface, where each is explicitly tagged—distinguishing between "Group Activity" and those earmarked for individual Group Companies. This distinction aids in seamless navigation and task tracking.

