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How to add an activity to the annual wheel

This is a step-by-step guide to how you add an activity to the annual wheel.

There are two ways to add an activity to the annual wheel. 

The video below introduces you to all steps regarding adding an activity to the annual wheel [in Danish]. 

Step 1 - Method 1

Click on "Add activity" to add an activity to your organisation's annual wheel. 

Add an activity to the annual wheel

Step 1 - Method 2

An activity can also be added in a specific month. Click on the "+" icon next to the month. 

How to add an activity to the annual wheel

Step 2

Regardless of which of the two methods above you choose to follow, the following pop-up window appears. The pop-up window shows a catalogue of the GDPR activities you can add to the annual wheel. 

Note: The catalogue is developed by Bech-Bruun. In this way, it is standard tasks that, according to Bech-Bruun, are relevant in relation to an organisation's GDPR work. It is not certain that all activities are relevant to your organisation. You choose the activities you want to use yourself.


Overview of standard activities in the Privacy platform

Tip: To get further information about the individual activities in the catalogue, you can hoover the round information icon "i". 

Hoover the information icon next to a specific activity in the annual wheel for further information

Step 3

Click on "Next" in the right corner at the bottom when you have chosen the activity you want to add to the annual wheel.

A pop-up window appears where you have to plan the activity. 

The pop-up window where you have to plan the chosen activity for the annual wheel

Step 4

To begin with, you have to set a date for when the activity should be conducted for the first time. 

Click on the calendar icon to change the date. 

Tip: If you, in the beginning, added an activity by clicking on the "+" icon next to the wanted month, the date will already be set. 

If you added an activity by clicking on "Add activity", the date field is not yet filled in. Therefore, you have to click on the calendar icon to change the date. 

Choose a date to complete a task in the annual wheel

Afterwards, you should relate to how often the activity should appear in your annual wheel. The field has been predefined in this example to have a value of 6. This indicates that we recommend you conduct the activity every half year. 

Note: Depending on which activity you are adding to the annual wheel, different predefined values will appear. However, you have, at any time, the possibility to change the value so it fits exactly your organisation. 

Now, you should relate to how many days before conducting the activity, the responsible should be notified by e-mail regarding the activity concerned. By default, the value is set to 14 days. However, you have the possibility, at any time, to change the value so it fits exactly your organisation. 

Finally, you have to give the activity a priority regarding how important the activity is in your organisation. You can choose between: Very Low, Low, Moderate, High, or Very High. 

When all the fields have been filled in, you should click on "Next" in the right corner at the bottom to proceed to the next step. 

Tip: Click on "Previous" in the right corner at the bottom if you want to go back to change the activity. 

Step 5

If you navigate further, the following pop-up window appears: 

Plan the activity you want to add to the annual wheel

Step 6

Now, you have to decide the responsible for the task being carried out. The responsibility can be put on a business area, a colleague, or both. The responsible receive the notifications via -email. 

To begin with, you can put the task in a business area. The business areas are the same areas as in the Processing Activities, Systems, and Risk in Privacy. 

Note: If you only choose a business area, every user associated with the business area, receives an e-mail before carrying out the task. If you choose both a business area and a responsible user, it will only be the user who receives the notification via e-mail. 

Choosing a responsible for an annual wheel activity

In addition, the responsibility can be put on a user in the organisation. In this way, it is the user who receives the notification via e-mail before the carrying out of the task. 

Before the activity can be added to the annual wheel, you also have to choose whether it requires documentation when the task is being carried out. 

Note: If you click on "Yes", you have to upload documentation inside the task concerned before the task can be completed. 

When you have filled in all the fields, you have to click on "Add" in the right corner at the bottom to add the activity to your organisation's annual wheel. You can also go back if you want to change the activity. In this case, you have to click on "Previous" in the right corner at the bottom.  

Now, you can see the activity in the annual wheel. 

When the activity has been added to the annual wheel, the task disappears in the catalogue of the GDPR activities as the activity now has been planned to the annual wheel.